DepartmentCinema, Advertising and Show Business
Department Chair
Assist. Prof. Encho Naydenov

Assist. Prof. Encho Naydenov, Ph.D. is a full time professor at the Department of “Cinema, Advertising and Show Business”. He is lecturing at New Bulgarian University since the year of 2000 in the programs of “Photography”, “Advertising” and “Graphic Design”. His scientific interests and creative performances are targeted at advertising and commercial photography. His dissertation defense took place at NBU on the thesis “The Impact of Digital Photographer’s Technologies on Professional Lighting”. Encho Naydenov, Ph.D. widens his professional interests in the art of photography by combining them with education in fields, that he finds important in the work of every contemporary photographer. Thus, in his biography are present: a master degree in “Sound technology” from the Technical University in Sofia; a master degree in “Marketing” from the University of National and World Economy in Sofia and a master degree in “Sound Design and Audio Engineering”, accomplished in 2021 at NBU.
In the professional community Assist. Prof. Encho Naydenov, Ph.D. is distinguishable as one of the most successful Bulgarian photographers who realized campaigns for many of the leading brands.
He has completed and presented several individual exhibitions and has participated in many different creative projects.
Building 1, Room 404
tel.: 02/8110 404; 8110 424